Laburnum anagyroides
Golden Chain tree (Columnaris Common Laburnum) - Laburnum anagyroides.
The homeland of this species is South-Western Europe. Not high in the mountains of southern Germany and Switzerland.
A very decorative shrub, especially during the flowering season, when its golden-yellow flowers in 30-centimeter clusters flow in abundance between the leaves, creating the illusion of "golden rain". Sometimes it grows as a tree up to 7 m high, often multi-stemmed, with straight main trunks and drooping shoots. The bark of the trunk is grayish-green or light brown. The leaves are alternate, trifoliate, bare above, below, at the beginning of the growing season silvery pubescent, and in the summer - glaucous-green. Golden-yellow flowers on silvery-pubescent peduncles are collected in graceful, hanging multi-flowered clusters. Flowering coincides with the blossoming of the leaves and lasts 15-20 days. The fruit is a linear bean, up to 8 cm, with a pointed tip, pubescent. In cultivation since 1560.
Location: it develops best on rich, well-drained soils containing lime, does not tolerate its compaction. It loves light, and develops well only in sunny places.
Reproduction: by seeds, layering and green cuttings, dividing the bush and grafting. But it is better to propagate golden rain by seeds, since the seedlings are more resilient. The seeds have a powerful cover and require long stratification in a cellar or in a refrigerator, or they are sown before winter. Shoots appear in a month. Summer cuttings without any preliminary preparation give a high percentage of rooting.
Use: It looks good in single plantings against a lawn, in sparse groups against a background of dark greenery. In solid plantings it stretches out strongly and becomes bare at the bottom, blooms weakly.
Warning: all parts of the plant are poisonous!
Laburnum alpinum differs from this one by the absence of pubescence on the back of the leaves and a clearly expressed vertical growth.

Columnaris Common Laburnum, Golden Chain tree. Bot.syn.: Cytisus laburnum L., Laburnum vulgare J.Presl.